Bicycle Lock App

Bicycle lock app controls a GPS/GSM alarm and secure bicycle lock named “Velo Lock Device” using a Bluetooth connection.


How Bicycle lock app works?

This bicycle lock app controls a GPS/GSM alarm and secure bicycle lock named “Velo Lock Device” using a Bluetooth connection. Velo Lock Device – Velo Lock is a GPS/GSM alarm secured bicycle lock that is remotely controlled through a mobile device such as iPhone. Velo Lock Device is attached to a bicycle (in the future it could be attached to any other vehicle). The device may be in a different state such as locked/unlocked.

The device may obtain its current coordinates using GPS or GSM and send related data to the Velo Lock Server to update corresponding device information in a central repository. Lock8 app also facilitates their users to rent and share their bikes with other Lock8 users.


Can control GPS/GSM Alarm-secured bicycle. on dot media


Update Device information in a central repository.


Track your device anywhere, anytime.

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